Sunday, October 14, 2007


Dreams, goals, accomplishments....what is yours??have you completed it??? I have always wanted to be a ER surgeon. That would be my dream job, my life long journey, and my identity. or so I thought. Well I am not, I am an insurance agent. But better than that, I am a teacher, a role model, a leader, and a friend to all my children at church. I say my children, b/c they are, I love every 40+ of them as if they were my own. It dawned on me this morning that God's plans for me to be a surgeon are still in the works, but in a different way. I am a surgeon to my children and the ones to come, in that I am doing surgery on their hearts. I am molding them to be all that they can through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Molding their hearts, minds and souls to be Awesome Christians, leaders, and friends to their peers. So maybe one day I'll be an ER surgeon, maybe not, but knowing that I am leading children to Christ is enough for me. Thank you Steve Posey, for showing me the way to the operating room, you are an awesome man of God.


Merrie said...

Oh my goodness! You have blessed me so much!
What a terrific insight! You have so much to share with those precious children and God has really anointed you!
I read your blog to Steve and he got REAL emotional... he is still sitting there w/ tears in his eyes.
Thank you!!!!!

The LaBouffs said...

Wow! That's pretty powerful! You should be very proud of what you're doing! There is no greater joy than leading children into the kingdom of God!